Saturday, November 23, 2013

What am I supposed to do?

Why are there different religions? Even if they want to have different religions, why can't everyone live together in peace?

Being born in a family with a different religion as his, it became like my problem to sort this out. Currently a free thinker, I am the only one who is able to make a change. He wont be able to change, so I am the only one who can change.

But what can I do?

What am I supposed to do?

Is there even anything that I can do?

He always say his parents can talk to me about this. But what is the use of talking when there is nothing that I can do?

And of course it doesn't help for my father to come home today and say some other things, ending with "If you join his religion one day, I am not going to let you come home.".


Friday, September 6, 2013


I have been spending almost every day with this boy here! ^.^ I just don't get bored spending time with him! Instead, I want to spend more time with him! I can't seem to spend enough time with him! And we don’t have to anything! It can be as simple as watching movies online and just lepak the whole day! ^.^ Hehehehe !

Guess what! I went to watch Joseph play football again! OMG! I just love watching him play football! Went up to this small balcony on top that allows me to look down at the turf court or whatever you call it! HAHAHAHA! I swear he is damn cute! Like a stress-free small little boy who is happily football with his friends! Damn damn cute! I swear! OMG! Even a girl like me who hates football loves watching him and his friends play! HEHEHE! 

Anyway, have anyone ever wondered why cultures and religions exist? Why isn't everyone the same? Why isn't everyone's values and beliefs the same? Wouldn't that be so much more easier? No conflict, no arguments, everyone lives together happily! I don't know.. This thing is fking irritating to me.. I swear I don't know what to do.. Can't there be a win-win-win situation where all three parties are happy? Actually it is only me that is stuck in the middle.. Cause the two of them are not going to change.. 

Why can't everything be just fking perfect? There are already so many things that are just so perfect already? Does it hurts to have a few more things to be perfect too? And the problem doesn't lie with us now.. It is other things that are being not perfect.. Parents object due to all the various reasons.. Makes me want to run away to a country without anyone that I know so much..


For now, just enjoy each day as it is!

Friday, August 23, 2013



The above photo shows my baby ! ^^ Actually, is our baby ! That's right ! They are Nike Mercurial ! Exact model ? Don't ask me ! Cause I don't know ! Hehehehe ! They don't belong to me ! Don"t joke ! HAHAHAHA ! I don't play soccer ! Hahahaha ! They belong to my baby ! And I am sure you know who he is ! If you don't, you seriously need to update yourself ! HAHAHAH ! He is Joseph Yap Hao Zhong ! ^^ 

This is how he looks like ! ^^

I know my blog has been died for damn damn long ! So I decided to make it alive again ! ^^ But probably no one reads my blog anymore ! :( 

Anyway, today was wonderful ! Another perfect day spent with my Joseph ! To cut down on words, I will use photos instead ! ^^

Well, early in the morning at 9.30am, I met my darling boy at Raffles Place MRT station before heading to Stadium MRT ! Guess where did I go ?

STADIUM MRT ! I thought those were 3D sculptures when I first saw them ! >.<


I went to The Cage ! ^^ Hehehehe ! A place that I would never imagine myself going since I am not a soccer person ! Can't wait to watch my baby play soccer ! ^^

Helped him changed into his boots and there he goes ! It is just perfect ! I can just watch him play the whole day ! The way he moves, the way he kicked the ball, EVERYTHING ! 
P.S. He kicks the ball damn hard ! 

Whenever I looked at him, it makes me think about how cool our relationship is ! 5 months ago, when I first met him, he seemed so distant from me ! Like it is so hard to get to know him better ! I would never imagine myself watching him play soccer 5 months later ! And yet, there I am ! HAHAHAH !

After that, we went to Leisure Park's Starbucks to buy his tumblr ! That cute boy was so happy ! ^^ HAHAHAH ! Then we came back to Northpoint's Starbucks to drink our favourite drinks and watched a movie ! Balls of fury ! ^^ Funny movie ! HAHAHAH ! He sent me home before going home to meet his friends ! ^^ 

That is a summary of my day with my Joseph ! It is a simple yet perfect day !
