Hey peeps ! Alright ! I don't even think anyone bother to drop by here and read ! But either way, I will enjoy writing about bullshits here ! Twitter is no good ! Character limit and lots of judgmental people.
Hahhahaha ! Back to why I am here today ! Well.. CCA stand down already and we also step down already.. Still can remember the very first training we had.. The only people who I know is Lena and QiuHan cause they are from my class ! And now, we are quite bonded as a batch ! Four years went pass just like that ! See that woman up there in that picture ? She is my dancemate ! Though we might not dance the same dances, but nonetheless, we are great friends ! And if it wasn't because of dance, I wouldn't have known her either ! She is a great friend ! The one who will listen to me rant about everything and give the weirdest suggestions ever to overcome it ! We had so much fun in dance ! And all these had ended...
Alright ! Enough of being all sad because we are leaving something behind ! I made a new friend on Thursday ! ^^ Not really new though ! Knew him for quite some time already but just doesn't really talk to him much ! But now we are talking much more than we used to be ! And he can help me with some subjects while I help him in others ! Great isn't it ? We are going to ace O levels together ! ^^ WE CAN DO IT !
HAHHAHAHAHA ! And everytime I talk to him, I feel guilty.. Not really guilty, but just have a weird feeling.. I have a few guy friends who are very good to me. And I am fortunate to have them. At the same time, me and my boyfriend seldom talk. Not even on weekends anymore.. Weekends it will be either I am doing homework or he is doing homework or gaming.. Weekdays we both will be studying.. Screw you O levels.. You are turning my life upside down.. I HATE YOU ! Why must you exist ? Do you know how hard it is to ace O levels ? Thankfully, I have great friends with me.. And I really miss him a lot.. And I am scared that I will lose him someday.. I don want to lose him ! I want him by my side ! Forever and ever ! I don't care ! I just want him ! The thought of us breaking up is just so scary.. I don't want that to happen.. I am scared.. Really really scared.. But who can I tell all these that I am feeling now to ? No one ! I can only hide it to myself.. Bottle it up in myself.. And continue to smile like nothing happen. That's what I will do. Why ? For a simple reason. You can't be trusted anymore. I am sick and tired of you being hot and cold as and when you like.. Therefore, I am just going to be like you. Perhaps the reasons why I like weekends more is not only because I can take a tiny break from all these studying, but also a break from everyone. I can choose who I want to talk with during the weekends, and I don't have to face some people's attitudes. I am a happy girl during the weekends. But weekends are always so short.. Why ? I hate being the fake me ! But can I be the real me in front of you ? You will just end up blaming me for treating you like this like that blah blah blah... Please ! Who was the one who started it ? Since you love your friends, why bother about us ? Why bother about me ? And don't ya complain about me treating others better than you ! That's how you treated me first ! And I am just gonna be the fake me in front of you now ! The fake me that you wanted me to be ! I won't tell you all the unneccessary stuffs anymore. It doesn't seem like you care anyway. And you changed a lot since this year.. Who was the one who always tell me not to go for council stuffs last year ? And you yourself are getting so excited and are willing to pangseh your friends for an organization that will just die for soon. Even that day during the presentation, everyone was just wondering what is the presentation for ? It doesn't mean anything to us at all. Oh well. Whatever. Screw life. That's it. And I will just live everyday normally being the fake me. No more half real half fake me anymore.
Alright ! Shall go sleep now ! Before he kill me tomorrow ! HAHAHAHAH ! ^^